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A New Deal for Tanzania

For almost ten years, African countries have fought to improve on two fronts: anti-corruption and pro-development. According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), “Tanzania represents a success story for developing and emerging-market countries in a time of evolving donor-recipient relations. Through a series of reforms to increase transparency, good governance, and country-led […]

A Snapshot of Artomatic 2012

One man’s idea. Started in 1999 with 350 artists. Today, more than 1,000 artists from many different disciplines participate every year. At least 70,000 visitors enjoy this event. Artomatic, the biggest creative art event in the world. According to the website, “Artomatic 2012 is a month-long art festival in the DC area that is “by […]

Occupy Movement Endures Despite Limited Success

Many thousands of citizens have sacrificed, left their jobs and dedicated their time, to the Occupy Movement. Participants in the movement believe they have achieved significant success in changing the conversation about the current crisis in the America. They cite President Barack Obama’s State of the Union Address and the campaign to pass the so-called […]

Seeking Justice for the World’s Poor

The “Occupy Movement”, which campaigns for economic fairness and justice for the working poor and middle class, took advantage of the meeting of world finance ministers in Washington, D.C. at the end of April 2012 to stage protests in the streets surrounding as well as outside the main entrances of the World Bank and International […]