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The Impact of the Occupy Movement

The Occupiers represent one of the most significant citizens’ movements since the civil rights movement. Thousands of protesters around the world are actively involved in keeping the momentum going. Initially, professional organizations and trade unions remained uncommitted, as they measured the strength, purpose and seriousness of this new movement. It was not surprising, as the movement established itself over several months, which few unions were willing to participate. The New York branch of the Transport Workers Union and the National Nurses United Union were among the first to see the value of lending their support. For several months, Occupiers in the United States became a topic for politicians to discuss in the media, enhancing the movement’s visibility. The first occupation in New York where several hundred people were arrested follow by similar event in Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago, and more than one city in Florida.

In Los Angeles, tents were erected in front of City Hall. In Boston, a tent appeared in the business district, opposite the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Several events were also organized by two occupy group in Washington D.C.

James Anderson joined the Occupy movement in Washington at Mcpherson Square in  November 2011 and he hopes to continue as long as it necessary to see policy changes by the U.S. government.

I interview Anderson after the Park was shut down for the overnight camping but open for demonstration, and other Occupiers activities. According to Anderson, “What we are doing in Washington D.C. is trying to get the message to the government that the United States continues to fail to address… the main target. Instead of fighting the war, they should focus on the lives of their citizens”. “One of the criticisms that was made was that our demands were not clear, but I think for most people, our message is clear. Wall Street is our target”

I also spoke, Ms. Theresa Cacciatore who is visiting Washington D.C. from California this week. She is not fully against the Occupy Movement, but she is disappointed that no one is standing up who can put a plan into action to results.  She is frustrated because “nothing is happening. There is not solution or resolution. It seems like no one is taking action in Congress. I am wondrering where is the action? Where is the solution?”

So far, the record of arrests have proving that the movement had had some major impact to the American life. In Los Angeles, the City Attorney announced the latest count of the nearly 300 Occupy L.A.  protestors arrested outside City Hall.

On the Website of the Statistic Brain, demonstrated that the movement included people  from many life style, background, income from lower and higher income.