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The Impact of the Occupy Movement

The Occupiers represent one of the most significant citizens’ movements since the civil rights movement. Thousands of protesters around the world are actively involved in keeping the momentum going. Initially, professional organizations and trade unions remained uncommitted, as they measured the strength, purpose and seriousness of this new movement. It was not surprising, as the movement established itself over several months, which few […]

Controversy over a Song about Occupy D.C.

There has been a lot of controversy around the Occupy movement and much of the debate has been about what they stand for. For a few months, Occupy groups have been active across the country and many individuals have been arrested. Some Conservatives have decided to take action and protest against Occupy D.C. For months, the […]

What do Occupiers Stand for?

They are former students, workers and deprived unemployed workers. They are all ages and from all walks of life. Many people have joined the Occupy movement to protest against the economic hardship they personally are experiencing. Some leave their family, their wife, their husband–some have already lost everything. Others are joining to lend support. I filmed Occupy activists on November 4, 2011 at a demonstration outside the D.C. Convention Center where the Defending the American Dream […]