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Changing the World, One Sign at a Time

The Occupy Movement has inspired and attracted the participation of many talented and smart people from all over the country. They have given up everything to participate full time, alongside others who have traveled the same long and often perilous journey. An epic quest, promoting all that is right in the human spirit.

Barry Knight, a 44-year-old, is one of them. He joined the Occupy Movement in October 2011, and has been actively participating, in part by creating signs to inform, drive and move the audience. In an article published on World Socialist Website, Knight says he returned to his original home of Boston from Tennessee and decided to stay on at Occupy Boston because he believed in the movement’s objectives.

1 Comment

Maria Negrette McEachen April 15, 2012 at 8:21 pm

Passionately and one by one we move to a democracy that thrives. Without our voice complacency sets in and our freedoms are lost. keep up the diligent work Jacob